Law School Guide

Deciding on a career in law often a tough decision to make especially at such a young age of 16 or 18 as experiences to life have only really just begun. It is such an individual choice that it is often difficult to ask others for help and advice as only you know fundamentally want you or think you know what you would like to do. There are so many options that it can be a very stressful and anxious time as decisions made now can ultimately affect your whole future. Although no one can actually make the decision for you it is wise when making such an important decision that you have guidance and are fuelled with facts and knowledge about any chosen course that you wish to pursue. Opting for a career within law is not taking lightly as becoming any type of lawyer/ solicitor requires extensive training and a good deal of dedication and commitment. Being a solicitor means grasping and storing knowledge of law in a short space of time and being able to demonstrate the teachings of law in a precise and competent manner. It is important to think strategically when contemplating reading law as law university courses are challenging and highly complex. Nonetheless this is not said to discourage those that wish to read law it’s said only to prepare those that believe they have the qualities and skills to become a solicitor. Compiled below is a compressed guide to choosing law to read at university, it includes the most common question people ask and are answered in their simplest form.

The Rise of No Win No Fee Solicitors

Law GuideIt seems that more and more No Win No Fee solicitors are popping up everywhere to accommodate the growing trend in compensation claims. With legal and law studies being near the top of the most popular university subjects to study may reflect the increase in solicitors who want to train in No Win No Fee areas i.e. specialise in compensation cases. It is fair to say that those trained in law can if they have the potential, ambition and competiveness to earn a very good salary and may be this is why reading law is a lot more attractive than other subjects. That said hard work is key to any law degree and is rewarded accordingly.

How Do You Decide If Reading Law Is Right For You?

In order to study law it’s wise to have a deep interest in how laws work and why they are there it’s not enough just to believe that you can hold a good argument and feel that the subject would suit you, you must feel compelled to the subject and be passionate about the reading of law as qualities such as these will be the ones that get you through the hours of studying and storing information. Reading law is can be extremely complex and convoluted so is probably not for the faint hearted it requires dedication and drive. If you have a profound interest in law and are fascinated by the working of the law and its courts and are hardworking and have good skills in writing, listening and storing knowledge then a career in law may be for you.

What Is Needed To Get Into Law School?

Knowing that you want to read law at the earliest possible moment is always best especially before you decide what A-level you would like to do. Obviously this is a lot easier said than done as many people at the age of 16 are completely undecided to what path of career they want however even at such an age it is vital that you know your options and are aware of what courses are best for which degree. It is not compulsory to study an A-level in law to read law at university nor is it impossible to have not studied anything connected to law but still study law at university. Nonetheless it does help when applying for university not only to have really good grades at A-level but to have studied subjects that lend a hand to the teaching of law such as; maths, history, criminology, sociology, psychology etc.

Which Law School Is The Best For You?

Studying law at university is highly challenging but very rewarding and is much respected by employers all over the country. Showing that you have a law degree is something to be greatly praised. It shows prospective employers that apart from being highly skilled and having a certain amount cleverness that you are extremely competent and are capable of working concise and well not only in the world of work but under great pressure. Opting for the league table’s best university may not always be the best for you. Studying law can be quite competitive among the students, very often people’s ambitions and passions turn in to qualities that drive them to wanting to be the best. The top law schools such as Cambridge, Oxford and the Queen Mary Universities may not always be the one you succeed the best in if you do not thrive in highly competitive and high energy atmospheres. However if you do work well in such environments then such universities may just be perfect for you as long as you examine the other categories such as;

  • Admission Criteria – you must meet the criteria set out by the varies universities in order to be able to be a successful applicant.
  • Financial Aspects – weigh up the financial aspects of each university against the potential it has to offer.
  • Location – deciding on whether to stay in your home town or move to another to study is key, if you do not do well being away from home then it might be best to study at a university that you can travel to and from and live at home. For those that want to leave home to go to university your options can be vast.
  • Specialised Subject Area – if you wish to study a specific area in law it is vital to ensure that the university you pick specialises in it.

Take time out to visit prospective universities and get a feel for them this way you will familiarise yourself with different settings and it may help deciding a university more easier.